ZeroPaper Consulting Service

There are various acts & legislation governing records management in South Africa.

For example, the POPI Act promotes the PROTECTION of personal information, whilst the PAIA Act promotes the ACCESS to information.

ZeroPaper helps your organization navigate through this legal minefield by auditing your current processes & providing recommendations & “best practice” guidelines.


Get an estimate cost of an audit with us.

Our approach:

  1. We visit you. We ask you a few questions relative to your business processes & current level of legal compliance.
  2. A gap analysis is conducted to review your organization’s current record management practices across all departments and / or regions, both physical & digital. The gap analysis will be conducted using National Archives Act Best Practice Guidelines & SANS 15489 & SANS 15801 as an audit tool, consisting of the following main components:
    • Initial background research and fact finding
    • Audit information gathering
    • Report writing
    • Recommendation Reporting
    • Training
  3. A complete records management policy & procedure is drafted (if non-existent)
  4. Upon completion of the audit, a detailed records management dossier will be submitted including:
    • Records Management Acts & Legislation relative to your industry
    • A retention & document destruction schedule relative to your industry
    • Records Management policy & procedure relative to your organization
    • A copy of your gap analysis & final report indicating your level of compliance & corrective steps taken to ensure compliance

For more information on the various legislative acts that govern records management in South Africa & how non-compliance can negatively impact your business, visit our compliance page.